A typo in the first post… Bold!
Granted, there are three pears in the photo. But, can you see that there are also three pairs?***
A pathologist friend of mine had a quote in his office that ended with, “… think it possible you may be mistaken.”
First, those who are familiar with the entire quote will probably forgive the ellipsis – no need to debate what the graphic omitted clause means. Second, yes, pathologists have friends.
Anyhow, I was always amused by the fact that this quote was taped to a pathologist’s cabinet. If ever a pathologist evaluates my tissue biopsies, I hope she doesn’t rush to a diagnosis without reasonably considering that she may be mistaken.
But what do pears, the quote and pathology have to do with litigation? Do trial attorneys ever get stuck on one version of the dispute? Do we ever become entrenched about case value? Is it always the other side whose perception is irrational? How do we know if the misperception is ours?
Thinking “it possible that [I] might be mistaken” is the solid first step in answering each of these questions.
What next steps keep you grounded when strategically evaluating your litigation?
*** If we label the pears A, B, & C, there is one pair consisting of A & B, one consisting of B & C, and one consisting of A & C.